Back Sight

In levelling, a back sight is taken immediately after the optical level is moved to a new location.
Read MoreIn levelling, a back sight is taken immediately after the optical level is moved to a new location.
Read MoreBar dowels are steel bars used to provide load transfer at a joints.
Read MoreIn concrete industrial flooring, a base specification is a document given by the Client to the slab’s designers which gives details of what is required of the floor design.
Read MoreA batching plant is the location where ready-mix concrete is mixed.
Read MoreArea of concrete defined by formwork.
Read MoreA bending moment is the reaction in a structural element when external forces cause the element to bend. It can be measured in kNm.
Read Moreis a form of segregation where water rises to the top of freshly placed, curing concrete.
Read MoreUnit loads, typically pallet loads, paper reels, or similar goods, stacked directly on a floor, usually one on top of another.
Read MoreBritish Standards are a set of design standards developed by the British Standards Institution (BSI).
Read MoreA bull float is a tool used to manually float concrete floors.
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