Vacuum Dewatering

Method used to increase the strength of concrete.
Read MoreMethod used to increase the strength of concrete.
Read MoreVDMA is the Association of German Machine and Plant Construction (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.) which publishes industry standards, including those used to describe floor levelness and flatness for:
The Vebe test is used to measure the workability of fresh concrete. Also referred to as the Vee-Bee test.
Read MoreThe vibrating handheld screed is a manually operated piece of equipment used to screed a freshly laid concrete slab.
Read MoreA vibration poker is used to compact concrete just after placement, particularly along the slab edges and around columns / pits etc, where a laser screed might not reach.
Read MoreA vibro stone column is a type pile formed from graded aggregates; used to diminish settlement and increase bearing capacity of a soft soil.
Read MoreVery Narrow Aisles (VNA) are used for high-density storage in warehouses and are considered a defined-movement area.
Read MoreAlso referred to as front or lateral stackers, these lift trucks handle pallets perpendicular to the direction of travel, and due to a reduced movement area are able to operate in a Very Narrow Aisle (VNA).
Read MoreA volumetric concrete mixer is a way to transport and produce concrete.
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