Water to Cement Ratio
Water to Cement Ratio - The water to cement ratio is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement in a fresh concrete mix.
Read MoreWater to Cement Ratio - The water to cement ratio is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement in a fresh concrete mix.
Read MoreWash Out Test - The wash out test is a field test carried out to determine the concentration of steel fibre reinforcement in a concrete batch.
Read MoreWall - The main function of a wall is to provide shelter to the interior of the structure from the outdoor elements. In modern structures, they do not usually have a structural function.
Read MoreVolumetric Mixer - A volumetric concrete mixer is a way to transport and produce concrete.
Read MoreVNA Trucks - Also referred to as front or lateral stackers, these lift trucks handle pallets perpendicular to the direction of travel, and due to a reduced movement area are able to operate in a Very Narrow Aisle (VNA).
Read MoreVNA - Very Narrow Aisles (VNA) are used for high-density storage in warehouses and are considered a defined-movement area.
Read MoreVibro Stone Column - A vibro stone column is a type pile formed from graded aggregates; used to diminish settlement and increase bearing capacity of a soft soil.
Read MoreVibration Poker - A vibration poker is used to compact concrete just after placement, particularly along the slab edges and around columns / pits etc, where a laser screed might not reach.
Read MoreVibrating Handheld Screed - The vibrating handheld screed is a manually operated piece of equipment used to screed a freshly laid concrete slab.
Read MoreVebe Test - The Vebe test is used to measure the workability of fresh concrete. Also referred to as the Vee-Bee test.
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